There is a uniquely American belief which suggests that bigger is always better. If "A" does well, then "AA" will do even better. If 40 lbs is good, 80 lbs will be REALLY good. If a .270 is sufficient, then a .300 mag is better. If 110 mph on your snowmobile is awesome, then 130 mph would be even awesomer.
For many, this is true for anything from truck tires, to bass boats, to hamburgers, to big screen TV's. It is part of their psyche. I'm not saying it's good or bad, it just is.
I'm sure some people could make an argument for for commuting to work in a Humvee. After all, it might snow, or there might be a mudslide, or there might be a riot, or, or, or...
There are even times when a Humvee is the only vehicle for the job. Like in war zones and natural disaster sites. Even then, sometimes it's not enough.
At the end of the day though, 99% of the time, your Chevy Malibu is all that's needed for commuting.
Same holds true with bows. If you're hunting elephants or water buffalo, you probably better use something more than 40 lbs. On the other hand If you're hunting whitetails, you don't really need a Humvee.