Sucks that you lost your deer. I'm not a big fan of coyotes myself only because for the first half of my life we never had to worry about them. The last 20 years they have came on strong in Ontario and in some areas it's out of control. I understand under normal circumstance they take care or their own population, that is if everything is normal. Well here it is not, one they are not native and for one reason we use to have wolves but we killed most of them out of southern ranges in Ontario over 100 years ago. We offer them an almost unending food supplies at dumps and transfer stations. In southern Ontario the population is huge and hardly hunted for various reasons. A lot of farmland is no longer actually farmed and owned by farmers, very hard to get permission to hunt, areas with big populations are bow only which makes it even harder to hunt them, in Ontario you can't leave fur bearing animal to rot, you must make all attempts to retrive any fur bearing animal and remove fur. This is the reason I do not hunt them on purpose, what am I to do with the fur when I remove it? Fur prices here are so low it's not worth while plus where am I to take it? I would never just shoot and leave a native species and just let it rot but in this case I'd be awefully tempted. We use to have a bounty on them with a place to actually take them but the city folk who fought for the rights of the coyote put a stop to that, funny how know I read the same epople complaining about pets being killed by same aniamls and wondering what can be done to remove them from city ares, not kill them just you know discourage them from living near They even tried poison bait ini some areas, coyotes to smart for that but sure killed a lot of fox, raccons and skunks, way to go, I can't kill and leave a coyote to rot but it's ok to drop poison bait from a plane. sorry for rant, over.