Originally posted by ishoot4thrills:
Originally posted by John Scifres:
No offense bud but I think you might be ignoring the obvious. Make a better shot next time. Or learn to track better. Yotes are just doing what they do. Hate is a very strong emotion. If you're counting on deer to feed your crew, you might take up the more efficient firearm. Shoot them in the shoulder.
".....Make a better shot next time. Or learn to track better......".
Dang, John, kinda harsh there don't ya think? I guess you've never made a marginal shot on game or had trouble recovering an animal before? If so, I would say you are one of the few. [/b]
I thought that was a bit too much myself. Just because your thinking it, doesn't mean you have to rub salt in an already open wound Jon.
The man just lost a deer and for the rare few out there that have never had it happen to them......this comment has nothing to do with you.
If you bowhunt long enough it's going to happen sooner or later, then you too can join the ranks of other bowhunters who have been humbled by a bad shot. It's not a good place to be and I'm sure he feels super bad about it.
That may also lead to some of the hate he feels about the coyotes getting a deer that he could have otherwise recovered in the morning.
Chances are that if it was cold enough that night the meat would have been fine.
Don't pretend for a second that there's not plenty of guys out there that wouldn't have done the same and left the deer overnight rather than jump it out of it's death bed.
With all that said, I don't hate coyotes for being the hard core survivors that they are. They could adapt and do adapt to any environment on the planet, I can't help but admire that.
On the other hand, I love to eat rabbits, deer, and turkey so the fewer coyotes there are......more wild game for my freezer.
I stopped killing rabbits on my place for over 4 years because the coyotes nearly wiped them out, so I started killing the coyotes. Now I have rabbits again and still have coyotes, just a few less than before.
I really enjoy hunting them too, I won't pretend that I don't......I just don't want as many as I have around here at the moment. I would be a bit disappointed if there weren't any at all because they do serve as nature's clean up crew and they are highly efficient at it.
I completely agree that we shouldn't hate an animal for doing what it was put here by the Creator to do, that's their purpose.
Although they must be controlled like everything else or eventually you'll find yourself eating tag soup more often than you can stomach.