My older brother had a predator of "different sorts" a couple of years ago on a bowshot doe. He also shot it right at dark and wasn't sure about the hit so he marked the spot and left it till morning. When he returned the next morning he tracked the doe less than 100 yards from the spot where he shot it, but the deer had been dragged a little ways and covered up entirely by leaves. Nothing was really eaten off of it just some chew marks and bite marks, but he said you couldn't see any part of the deer exposed and it just looked like a big mound of leaves piled up.
Cats are the only animals I know of that cover their food with leaves, coyotes on the other hand in my experience will only try to bury pieces of it to save for later.
So we were sure it was a cat, but we just don't know how big? He said it was about an 80lb. doe so I assume it would take a fair sized cat to drag it any distance away from where it died.
Looking back on it, we should have put a trail cam on the carcass and left it there to capture whatever came back to recover it's meal.