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Author Topic: I hate Coyotes!  (Read 6077 times)

Offline Bob Macioch

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Re: I hate Coyotes!
« Reply #80 on: January 01, 2011, 06:41:00 PM »
Originally posted by SteveB:
I shoot the ones (and leave them)I see just to keep them wild and wary. Its been proven that hunting and even trapping does nothing to control the population - food and habitat do. And I'll never be foolish enough to believe the NY DEC or any state agency has ever released any. I'd love to see proof posted to show me wrong.
Well I can only tell you what I saw Steve....I wish I had a cell phone back then.Why would the coyote have an ear tag if it wasnt relocated or introduced ? Why was it in a holding pen?
And a state would introduce them  for the same reason they give out way too many DMP's......cause the insurance companies put pressure on them .
Hunt for you! Dont worry what others will say,if your happy with what you shoot who really cares what anyone else thinks.You will be happier in the long run and hunting will remain the fun way to get meat for your entire life.Enjoy the journey

Offline dan d

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Re: I hate Coyotes!
« Reply #81 on: January 01, 2011, 06:46:00 PM »
I wish I could trap again, problem is I'm afraid I would catch the neighbors dog. I live in a rural area, but the neighbors dog from 1/2 mile away covers the area pretty good.

Same problem with the beagles that run my hunting woods (about 5 miles down the road ) I don't know who they belong to, but I see them time to time when I'm hunting, they don't seem to be chasing deer.

I guess I don't have a coyote problem, or all the family pets wouldn't be running the woods.
Compton member & Michigan Traditional Bowhunter member.

Offline Rob DiStefano

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Re: I hate Coyotes!
« Reply #82 on: January 01, 2011, 07:00:00 PM »
i don't see a need to hate yotes, i do see a need to manage them because we are the superior species (right?).  they're just predators like us, but if they were to interfere with my way of life, i'd kill 'em.  
i didn't read all the posts in this thread, but did someone explain why yotes were introduced into that area, perhaps to control the deer population?  can't figure that one out!
IAM ~ The only government I trust is my .45-70 ... and my 1911.

Offline Andy Cooper

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Re: I hate Coyotes!
« Reply #83 on: January 01, 2011, 07:01:00 PM »
Am I allowed to renounce my hatred for them...and still kill every one of them I can? There seems to be some disagreement, Rob, whether they were introduced, or just expanded into the area.
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Offline Jack Whitmire Jr

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Re: I hate Coyotes!
« Reply #84 on: January 01, 2011, 07:22:00 PM »
You guys can love em, respect em or do what ever you want to with Coyotes. No I don't hate them ,just severely dislike them.

I kill em on site with what ever is available. Rifle ,shotgun, bow and vehicle . There is no ethics for coyote hunting IMO.

 They tried once to kill my Jack Russell Terrier bite him through the back ham and tallywacker .

Second time he wasn't so lucky , try telling your family that the family pet was killed by a respectful wily nice coyote . We also lost the only house cat I ever liked to coyotes.

 They are thick around here and will stay that way . The woods are too thick to call them in they just circle downwind and you never see them.
You can snare or trap them but more just move in . At the end of time 2 things will exist cockroaches and coyotes .

Soooo debate away , I'll keep the shells and the .223 within reach here at the house at all times .

Good Huntin'
Tolerance is a virtue of a man without any  Morals- unknown author

Offline Bob Macioch

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Re: I hate Coyotes!
« Reply #85 on: January 01, 2011, 07:33:00 PM »
Originally posted by Rob DiStefano:
i don't see a need to hate yotes, i do see a need to manage them because we are the superior species (right?).  they're just predators like us, but if they were to interfere with my way of life, i'd kill 'em.  
i didn't read all the posts in this thread, but did someone explain why yotes were introduced into that area, perhaps to control the deer population?  can't figure that one out!
I dont know if they were introduced or just relocated to my hunting area.All I know is what I saw(page 5).
Hunt for you! Dont worry what others will say,if your happy with what you shoot who really cares what anyone else thinks.You will be happier in the long run and hunting will remain the fun way to get meat for your entire life.Enjoy the journey

Offline Bonebuster

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Re: I hate Coyotes!
« Reply #86 on: January 01, 2011, 08:20:00 PM »
Sorry about the loss of your dog Jack. On two occaisions, I have almost lost a dog to coyotes.(inside my fenced in backyard)

Personally I believe that any info gathered about coyotes from the eighties is useless info today. Coyotes are not the same animal that they once were. I have seen a drastic change in my area in a very short time frame.

I also believe that since coyotes are obviously thriving everywhere they live, ANY state agency that spends even ONE penny of taxpayers money to study coyotes needs to be held accountable to the very people who pay the bills. There is no money for necessities, let alone studying the habits of the coyote.

Indeed, the availabilty of food and disease are the only REAL population control for coyotes.
God bless the trappers and dog hunters.

I have killed my share by accidental encounters and I have killed a what I beleive to be my share that I have called in. It took me seven years of trying to finally call one in. I have learned alot, but the coyote learns much faster.

I read every post, and thought about it alot, and I am pretty sure I HATE them.(honesty is the best policy...right?) They are a real threat to game populations, and non-game species as well.

I killed the big male that almost caught my daughters weiner dog, and I would hate them even more if he had. He was NOT doing what coyotes do, because if he was "doing what coyotes do" he would be afraid to show himself in daylight, and he certainly wouldn`t be in my BACKYARD trying to catch and eat my daughters dog. Coyotes are SUPPOSED to be skinny, secretive, mostly NOCTURNAL, rodent eating, mange carrying varmints. What they are now is a far cry from that.  

I wouldn`t miss their screaming out my bedroom window one little bit...not one little bit.

Offline Frank V

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Re: I hate Coyotes!
« Reply #87 on: January 01, 2011, 08:41:00 PM »
Originally posted by Roughrider:
Wait until you get wolves ...
Those are really ugly!!!!     :(
U.S.A. "Ride For The Brand Or Leave."

Offline Joe Subler

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Re: I hate Coyotes!
« Reply #88 on: January 01, 2011, 09:03:00 PM »
Coyotes are really getting numerous in my area and are getting to be a nuisance but I believe that some kills are blamed on coyotes when, in fact, it has been dogs.  We had a few reported instances of coyotes getting in on wounded deer this past fall but it was found to be the work of a pack of dogs.  Coyotes will usually take a deer/fawn down and start eating the organs where dogs will usually go for the hind quarters to take the deer down and then start eating there.

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Offline Andy Cooper

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Re: I hate Coyotes!
« Reply #89 on: January 01, 2011, 09:30:00 PM »
Originally posted by Jack Whitmire Jr:
 They tried once to kill my Jack Russell Terrier bite him through the back ham and tallywacker .

Second time he wasn't so lucky , try telling your family that the family pet was killed by a respectful wily nice coyote . We also lost the only house cat I ever liked to coyotes.
The most mangled I've ever seen any dogs, as a veterinarian, has been from coyote attacks. Even when the skin didn't seem too terribly damaged, the underlying muscles and abdominal organs looked as though they'd been through a grinder.

One man saw a female coyote lure his dog out of the yard (he thinks she was in heat). He got about thirty feet outside the fence and a pack of 6 was waiting on him, concealed in the bushes. The dogs testicles were hanging below his knees when he came in, and he died under anesthesia, before I could even try to reassemble him. I don't know how he even lived to make it to the clinic, given the amount of blood loss and internal damage he had.
:campfire:       TGMM Family of the Bow       :archer:      

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Offline dan d

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Re: I hate Coyotes!
« Reply #90 on: January 01, 2011, 09:41:00 PM »
I need to quit reading this post before im tempted to put my opinion in on them, And it won't be to say how much I love them !
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Offline Canadabowyer

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Re: I hate Coyotes!
« Reply #91 on: January 02, 2011, 01:11:00 AM »
Up here the coyotes are small, sneaky and usually quiet, if they get too bold the wolves eat em.  :bigsmyl:   Just nature taking her course.   Bob
"non illegitimus carborundum est"

Offline wildwood

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Re: I hate Coyotes!
« Reply #92 on: January 02, 2011, 02:44:00 AM »
mountain lions here In Northern Calif.are really hurting are deer herds. And their protected by special legislation. Ticks me off.Sighting are more and more common. We even had one near a school here last Aug. and one (or the same) was seen under a picnic table at the city park. These were confirmed sightings. Feel bad for the folks up north who are seeing their deer and elk herds suffer from re-introduced wolves
delivered by grace

Offline Bob Macioch

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Re: I hate Coyotes!
« Reply #93 on: January 02, 2011, 09:28:00 AM »
we've had coyotes in NY city !!!!!!!
Hunt for you! Dont worry what others will say,if your happy with what you shoot who really cares what anyone else thinks.You will be happier in the long run and hunting will remain the fun way to get meat for your entire life.Enjoy the journey

Offline toppredator

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Re: I hate Coyotes!
« Reply #94 on: January 02, 2011, 09:47:00 AM »
We got a "healthy" population of 'yotes where I live too.  I lost the biggest part of a nice doe last year because we had to leave her over night.  My brother shot a nice buck and we gave it just an hour and a half to lay up.  The end of that blood trail looked like something out of CSI or maybe 1 of those Saw movies.  This is a piece of ground where we harvest coyotes off of fairly regular.  You just do what you can and accept the fact that we share our hunting ground with other hunters.
P.S.  Sorry about your deer.

Offline YORNOC

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Re: I hate Coyotes!
« Reply #95 on: January 02, 2011, 10:25:00 AM »
First of all, I'm not telling anyone whether they should hate them or not. Do whatever you want, its not my business. But heres my story.
I lost a beagle 7 years ago. She made it home, but only lasted a few minutes. Lots of coyotes that year.   It doesn't make me hate them.(I did for awhile!) I would have blown every one I saw away at the time but I've come to reason.
Coyotes don't know that they aren't "supposed" to eat certain things. We don't own them, they are here to exist under their own rules, not ours as much as we think we should rule everything. They don't know boundaries set by humans.
I'm not saying don't kill them, I'd hunt coyotes every day till I couldn't pull the string back anymore. Gun, trap, whatever works.
If you think there is a population problem, report it to the state and follow up with them. Its the biologists job to study them and make an educated decision on whether there are too many.
Just because you are mad that they may be hindering your hunting chances is really too bad for you. Thats mother Natures job and she's been handling it well for how long?
 ATV's and thieves have been hindering my hunting area but thats too bad for me.
All that aside, take all that the law will allow and enjoy hunting or trapping them.
 When they start to put your family,pets,etc. in potential harms way.....you do what you've got to do. Everybody has to make that decision for themselves, even if it goes against the law..
David M. Conroy

Offline LCH

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Re: I hate Coyotes!
« Reply #96 on: January 02, 2011, 10:32:00 AM »
I am a friend of Slayers and shoot and hunt with him. I have seen more coyotes in the last 3 weeks hunting than the last 3-4 years combined.

A friend of mine killed one in NC with a rifle in the early 90's and the wildlife officers took a tooth and did DNA on it they said it came from Oklahoma.

People were speculating that Fox hunters brought them in to run their digs on in their pens. That is what I heard.LCH

PS Slayer is a good hunter and shot.

Offline GingivitisKahn

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Re: I hate Coyotes!
« Reply #97 on: January 02, 2011, 01:25:00 PM »
Originally posted by Elksong:
"just pop em at 200 yards and leave em."
 That's honorable.
We need more people like that in the woods.....
Take it easy.  You don't need to start with the personal attacks.

Offline Elksong

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Re: I hate Coyotes!
« Reply #98 on: January 02, 2011, 02:23:00 PM »
O.K. GK cause you are the asigned peacekeeper and all. There is way more earwax than brains displayed here sometimes.
What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, men would die from great loneliness of spirit, for whatever happens to the beasts also happens to man. All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the children of the earth

Offline GingivitisKahn

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Re: I hate Coyotes!
« Reply #99 on: January 02, 2011, 03:36:00 PM »
Originally posted by Elksong:
O.K. GK cause you are the asigned peacekeeper and all. There is way more earwax than brains displayed here sometimes.
I've read your posts in this thread and they have been articulate and well thought out for the most part.  Did your personal attack really add anything?

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