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Author Topic: dachsunds  (Read 3369 times)

Offline tippit

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Re: dachsunds
« Reply #40 on: January 03, 2011, 11:05:00 PM »
My Dachshunds are from the Jeanneney line.  Their personalities are as sweet as can be.  I think I have more fun tracking that hunting sometimes.  Half of Tilly's litter went to Trad Gang families.  I cut the price in half just so I could see them here.  The remaining pups are with hard core bowhunters from Florida to Maine.  They are all people friendly house pets that have tracked a lot of game.  The German line is completely different than the American Dachshunds...Doc


Tilly & Cash (her pup on top)

TGMM Family of the Bow
VP of Consumption MK,LLC

Offline Zbone

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Re: dachsunds
« Reply #41 on: January 03, 2011, 11:30:00 PM »
The American show ring has screwed up not only dachshunds, labs and cockers, but many a fine breed, including Brits and setters, and on and on. The American field trials hasn’t helped the sporting breeds any either with they’re fast wide ranging dogs.

The best dog I ever owned was a yellow Labrador with a long English bloodlines. He had a big block head, was short, stocky, and powerful with a wide back and big otter tail. Aside from color, he didn’t look much like the labs in America today.

Go look at the old pictures of the original working bulldog. Doesn’t resemble anything of today’s standards. Americans sure have screwed dogs up…8^)

There are pets, and then there are working dogs. Again, it’s all about the pedigree….

Offline Bonebuster

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Re: dachsunds
« Reply #42 on: January 04, 2011, 07:11:00 AM »
My vote for a tracking dog would be one that is very easy to control, and is still capable of doing the job.

Little dogs can be easily picked up can be removed from immediate danger with a stout pull on a chest harness. Up and under your arm in a flash. Plus they are not pulling your arm from its socket as you try to keep them from getting tangled in the brush.

Michigan law requires a dog to be on a leash when trailing. (only sensible)

My Basset Hound was huge and very muscular. He was akin to holding back a 4 wheel drive pick-up
locked in 4 "low" and granny gear. I never stumbled across a porqupine while trailing, but I imagine it is eventually a probability.

Little dogs, little appetites...little poop... little beds...little water bowls...little messes...BIG hearts.

Daschunds, fit the bill nicely.

Everybody has a favorite, and rightfully so.

Offline Kevin Dill

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Re: dachsunds
« Reply #43 on: January 04, 2011, 08:15:00 AM »
Pretty good thread. I think doxies done right are one of the best trailing/tracking breeds out there. I will agree with just about everyone on the smart/dumb comments. That applies to every breed imo. Go to Petland for your hunting dog? You shouldn't be surprised if you wind up with a bimbo....:-)

I wanted a tracker. The teckels didn't appeal to me, mainly because of my lifestyle. We live on a farm and have almost unlimited space for a dog. I wanted a bit larger breed, and not a primary house dog. Predator and nuisance critter control is one of my objectives, along with deer recovery. Needed a dog that can crunch a raccoon, skunk, opossum, stray cat, groundhog...and keep the coyotes off my lawn.

I did a ton of research, and yet it was a clue I received from TG that led me to our puppy. We selected a Deutsch Drahthaar for our needs. I'd like to thank whoever it was that mentioned them. It took 9 months....my phone rang and it was my most-preferred kennel calling. I was given #1 pick of their (then) upcoming litter. That litter has been whelped now, and the pups are 2-1/2 weeks old. I've seen "our" puppy online, but still haven't made the official pick yet. That happens in 2 or 3 weeks. I am, to say the least, a very happy guy. I'm really looking forward to these next months and years!

This is a pic of the mother, "Ava vom Schlussstein"...


Offline saumensch

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Re: dachsunds
« Reply #44 on: January 04, 2011, 08:20:00 AM »
Deutsch Drahthaars have to be the most versatile and easy to train hunting dogs ive encountered except from a few cross-breeds.

And yotes, racoons etc. shoulnt be any problem at all, they are really strong. A friend of mine has one and it drags roe deer out for him if he lets it.!   :eek:
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Re: dachsunds
« Reply #45 on: January 04, 2011, 08:45:00 AM »
Great Pics and good loving story Tippit!!

I also think that doxies make great tracking dogs, and they also love to dig. As far as temperament goes, that can vary from dog to dog.......so don't blame a bad one on the entire breed.

Labs are my favorite of all dogs because of their intelligence and ability to learn.
They are also great with people and they can be taught to do anything you want them to.......it's all in how you train them.

I read an article not too long ago about doxies and deer tracking. I can't remember what magazine or who the breeder/trainer was??
But I think he was from right there in Illinois if I'm not mistaken??
He said that he likes doxies for their portability, they are small and he can just pick his up until he's ready to put it on a track, or he can quickly pick the dog up to get it off track if he needs to. You can't do that with most any other dog......so the minis get a strong vote in that category.

Boy those little guys sure love to get after them squirrels don't they??
All we had to do was say the word  "Squirrel"  and our mini doxie Pee Wee would go nuts!! He even tried to climb the tree to get at em!
~Varitas Vos Liberabit~ John 8:32

Offline tippit

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Re: dachsunds
« Reply #46 on: January 04, 2011, 03:44:00 PM »
The only problem I've had with Tilly's pup Cash is she wants to hunt Too Much  :)   We keep them in our 1 acre yard and away from the horses with the shock collar system from Home Depot.  Cash needs the Stubborn dog collar set on the strongest level as she always has her nose to ground forgetting were she is.

While I was hunting Iowa with Tilly, I got a frantic call from my wife...Cash bolted through the shock line and was gone.  Molly later found her on a deer carcass that had been hit by a car.  The deer had to have run by our house 25 yards beyond the shock line and some 300 yards into the woods.  Well Cash couldn't take NOT tracking that blood smell through the air!  Molly couldn't even scold her for she did what she was bred for...Doc
TGMM Family of the Bow
VP of Consumption MK,LLC

Offline Zbone

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Re: dachsunds
« Reply #47 on: January 04, 2011, 07:13:00 PM »
Hey Sean - Have a litter of Morkie-Poos coming in about 7 weeks if you're interested...8^)

Offline Shaun

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Re: dachsunds
« Reply #48 on: January 04, 2011, 07:42:00 PM »
Kevin, a VDD dog is a great choice! I have had 3 and they were all exceptional in every way. If I was younger and still bird hunted a lot I would have another. Here is a picture of the best of them - Buck v Hinterwald. He could seal the deal on upland, waterfowl, fur and even blood track. He regularly dispatched varmints with extreme prejudiced.


Here is a picture of my new dachshund Graetsche. She will be 4 months old at the end of this week. We teamed up on this squirrel today.


Offline LC

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Re: dachsunds
« Reply #49 on: January 04, 2011, 10:16:00 PM »
tippit, thats funny as all get out, I can hear the wife calling telling you about it! LOTS of good looking dogs on this thread, man nothing like a good dog especially when it's a working dog!
Most people get rich by making more money than they have needs, me, I just reduced my needs!

Online Ryan Rothhaar

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Re: dachsunds
« Reply #50 on: January 04, 2011, 10:22:00 PM »
Shaun,  I'm so glad you came out to the campfire at Whip's tent at the Compton shoot last year -  Who knew what a beautiful pup would come out of that!  I think I'm seeing true love....


Offline seanF

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Re: dachsunds
« Reply #51 on: January 04, 2011, 11:05:00 PM »
Hey Shaun, tell me more about Graetsche please?

Offline pernluc

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Re: dachsunds
« Reply #52 on: January 05, 2011, 02:43:00 PM »
I have a mini red dach. He found my buck this year after an incredibly long track job. My arrow took out one lung only and the deer went a mile.   I tracked it till dark to the edge of a field. We went back the next day and looked and looked and i finally gave up until i called the wiener and he cam back with white hair on his muzzle. He took me right to it then. This dog retrieves better in the water than either of my high powered labs.   Try the doxie. Monte is one if not the best dog ive ever had.
Afterall what is life without  a little salt! Life English!

Offline montucky

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Re: dachsunds
« Reply #53 on: January 05, 2011, 05:25:00 PM »
My Drahthaar and his latest recovery - a liver-shot deer that we would have never seen again without him.  Although my buddy was innitially mortified about it all and hanging his head as anone would with a lost animal...we put the little draht on it and it turned into the most fun hunt I have ever been on.  The germans knew what they were doing when they came up with that breed.  

Offline Kevin Dill

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Re: dachsunds
« Reply #54 on: January 05, 2011, 05:38:00 PM »
Nice pics and nice dog montucky. That's what I'm talking about right there! I have spent a significant number of hours in research, and have come to believe the Drahthaar is a phenomenal versatile hunting dog. I'm amazed at the VDD standards that go with their breeding programs. They practically guarantee the dog will be a fine hunter...or better...as long as they came from a VDD breeder.

I've also enjoyed the doxie pics on here. Shaun, that is one very fine looking pooch in your arms. Hard to believe that much hunting heart is contained in such a small package.

Here's one of the pups we're looking at:


Offline buckster

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Re: dachsunds
« Reply #55 on: January 06, 2011, 02:12:00 PM »
Here is my teckle CHOWDER, breeder is Sia Kwa from NC.  He is a cousin of Ryan's Oskar.  He has just turned a year old.  He is an awesome retreiver and has made quick work of all his artificial blood trails. I haven't been able to get him on a live trail.  But we are trying again this week-end! 25 lbs. and a heart of gold, I love thess dogs!!  
"Carpe Carp" ... Seize the fish.

Offline Wickles

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Re: dachsunds
« Reply #56 on: January 06, 2011, 03:55:00 PM »
I have one of Jeanneney's pups as well and he's an awesome pet. He's all business when tracking, this is his third season and he's doing great. When he's home he's as worthless as any other house dog. He's great with kids and other dogs. My limited experience with these dogs has been great. (I hope I sized this photo right)

Offline WCSims

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Re: dachsunds
« Reply #57 on: January 07, 2011, 01:47:00 AM »
TTT for my best friend!

Offline WCSims

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Re: dachsunds
« Reply #58 on: January 07, 2011, 02:11:00 AM »

Offline WCSims

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Re: dachsunds
« Reply #59 on: January 07, 2011, 02:14:00 AM »

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