My Christmas Wish came true. I made it home on the 24th to surprise my two little boys.
Prior to my arrival in the states and after several e-mails, i was to hunt in Chris's spot. Man talk about nervous. That all gave way to excitement and spastic planning. I had a plane ticket to arrange, license to buy, coordination with elkken on a ride to the ranch. Then had to apply some new arrow wraps and double dogs from onestringer (thanks Scott and Mindy), fletch arrows, sharpen broadheads, pratice shooting, begin packing. Oh, did i mention there was Christmas and two little boys that missed their father.
Caught the plane on the morning of the 28th. Bumped into Terry in Atlanta and meet up with Izzy, Terry, Staybow and Larry in the Austin Airport. Quick stop by Wallyworld to buy Izzys License and i am there.
We hung out around the ranch house and got to know everyone and shoot our bows. We had a great dinner at Johnny's Steaks and Bar Be-Que that evening.
Slept in and ate Brunch out in Solado the next afternoon.
By 3 the afternoon of the 29th we were in our first stands.
This was my first visitor of the trip.
I enjoyed watching him and 5 does and a young fork horn.