Well I had built some quad pods for the ranch and was wandering what they were worth. I have been around BB most of my life.But did not have the urge to hunt one with compound.But after the TGers where all out I thought heck Ill pen myself up. I mean in a 640 acre pasture with holes a water buff can walk through. The BBs home range. There is a old barn there with the corner knocked out. This will be my hunting spot for the next three days. BB only think of 2 things one is food the other is a big eyed cute little bb female. 2 speeds stop and look or wide open. After watching him cross 300-400yrs off.Thought chances are slim. In comes Whitetail doe,AAhh practice,Yea missing 3 times.Im pretty sleepy on day three.Taking pictures of grand daddy long legs and my shadow on the barn.Then here come some does up th fence. 1-3-7-is that the tip of a horn. Heart jumps into hunt mode in middle of my throat,have to open mouth to breath,its making a lot of noise that close to my mouth like a drum roll. palms of hand get slick sweaty,aim eye gets blurry,and I start to tremble allover. all the things i want to remember I have forgot.I just want a arrow to go out the crack into the BB. He gets in to position I draw,release and start to enjoy the flight of the WWWHAAATTT HHAS JJUUSST HHHAAAPPPPEEEND. Flash grenad,stoke ,heart attack?Temperary Blindness.Oh here Im coming to. I see a BB with a arrow in him.It dident fly over him!! It stuck in him,And there is blood coming from the hole YYYEEEEEHAAA.I fall from the chair landing on a knee with hat in hand.Tell him thanks ALOT. Trailed blood,good blood 80 yrds.Chickened out and go get Cowboy my lacy dog.Knew he would love it just me him and a BB. He did I did.OK its over, Got to go get my partners see how they did. If it was half as good as my hunt I new they would be happy.I will get pics soon,Heck somebody may have some.