I couldn't agree with that more Don.
This response may get yanked by the mods, but I can draw a very precise conclusion relating to that very concept since I also reload my own rifle ammo.
Ballistics charts show how the KE goes up to beyond killing standard minimums using a tiny bullet just because of the high velocities they can achieve, but in the real world you know that such a tiny pill is not capable of taking large game just based on the KE it can generate with a calculator.
I think the same rules apply here, just because a light arrow can achieve a high KE value by getting it's boost from velocity doesn't mean that it would do the job when it hits an animal.
Whereas a heavy arrow at moderate speeds will do the job cleanly.
Try stabbing a soda straw through a cardboard box and watch it fold up, then try the same experiment with an unsharpened pencil and see how you are able to jam it through with no problem.
That's kinda how I picture it in my mind.
I've always been an advocate of shooting the heaviest bow and poundage that I could handle comfortably and shoot well. Then I would match an arrow to that bow and KE has never been a factor with any of my set ups.
But now that I'm older and my shoulders just can't handle that type of abuse, I'm now forced to dial it down to comfortable levels and KE or Momentum has become a real factor that I have to pay attention to.
I've come to the realization that I have to shoot a moderate poundage bow with moderate speeds, a heavy arrow which also slows down the set up even more, and keep my shots at close range.
It's hell getting old.