You use to be able to get this crystal looking thing called the"Rock" deodorant for hunters for deodorent that one of my ol hunting partners use to swear buy .He claimed the regular primos or scent shield stuff I used lit him up.I still have one and it looks like a clear rock that you moisten and rub with.But now,I dont see any one selling it anymore .Someone said that it is just aluminum chlorate I think and that you can get it at some of your better health food stores.As for the polyprop,when I use to be a novice mountaineer,after a while you would get it stenched up and then it just was done.And Ive never gotten into the underarmour stuff,cause I couldnt bring myself to pay what they get for it.The merino wool is the bomb and the peices that I have,Ive gotten used.Just hand wash with scent free, hang dry and wear and it wont smell up for quiet a while.Wool will still keep you warm when it is wet too.