I am short bald and i will be 60 soon enough. I am not sure if i can be trusted, so I don't like to sell my stuff. I do enjoy giving it away, then no one can complain that I gave them a raw deal. I have some bows to give to those that can use them, but I think it would best if I did it person to person. I went on a recurve buying binge and I don't think they work for me or my wife, since she is in love with her NAT and me my Hills, Shulzes, Robertsons and my new baby a sleek fast and accurate Pete George yew. Perhaps on an impersonal media like the web, it is wise to have controlled restraints to keep the dealing fair and square. I wish for days when word, honor and honesty were universal and the norm. Seems like any lie that one can get away with is a good business maneuver, and in many businesses it is accepted and glorified. The idea that such a thing can invade traditional archery is very depressing. I saw four gold eagles several bald eagles and over a hundred deer today, two pheasants and believe or not a moose in Iowa, scary thing that moose. None of them knew anything about the internet, but they knew that I was wolf and not sheep, I don't mind the occasional pack, but I never herd up in a flock or follow goats. I would still much rather trust people until proven otherwise, society is getting over loaded with the guilty until proven innocent mentality. It is getting more mean spirited and exclusive every day. If it totally invades traditional archery, it will make us a loose pack of loaners that do not ever trust each other. Internet forums are what they are and I guess you need to do whatever to keep things right..