G'day All,
I've shot Hills for a little while now, and my favourite stringer had a big, tough leather pocket for the bottom limb tip, and a smaller, equally-tough leather pocket for the top limb tip that I trimmed to fit perfectly. However, I gave it away to a young bloke starting-out with his first proper bow, which happens to be a really nice Howard Hill Crocodile Bobcat. I thought I'd be able to replace it easily, but for the life of me cannot find it in any of the shops. 3Rivers and KustomKing have really cut back in their bowstringer options. Does anybody know the stringer I'm talking about and where to get one (or a few)?
I had until recently an Alaskan Bowhunting Supplies stringer, the fluro-coloured one made of webbing material. I bought it about eight months ago, and used it very happily with recurves. Wanting to shoot my Wesley Special, and without my favourite stringer, I decided to try with the ABS one. It said that it was for use with all bows, and even though I was sceptical, I tried. The stringer perished with a horrible noise. I e-mailed ABS about a replacement, but they informed me that they no longer make them and could do nothing to help me.
I'm somewhat scared to use my excellent Webster stringers, because I'm afraid the top limb tip will come-out of the large pocket (it doesn't fit in the small pocket). I believe that an improvement could be made on the Webster stringer by either making the two pockets larger, or adding a third larger pocket. Does anybody have the ear of the people whe make Webster stringers? Tim? These are great for recurves, but I just feel uncomfortable about them with my Hill.
The Black Widow stringer seems to be better suited to the smaller tips of the PLs and their various recurves.
I have in the past tried and given-up on Thunderhorn stringers for Hills. The rubber arrow head just didn't stay put on those narrow limbs. But I read that other people seem to use these for their Hills, so perhaps I need to try harder. My friend uses one for his Barry Johnson D longbow, but his limbs are wider, and better suited to the rubber limb grip.
So, a penny for your thoughts, gents? From what little I've gleaned, it seems many of you happily and successfully use the very stringers I'm scared to use. Any tips or advice?