Hello to all the family of this wonderful forum.
I have been reading here for a while, and decided to create an account, then read a while more. Finally, I've mustered up enough gumption to say hello (I am shy, what can I say).
I don't know how much you guys like to read, but I do tend to get wordy. I am not one to post frequently, but I do tend to ramble in the few posts I do make so bare with me.
I am primarily a firearms hunter. Back in the early 90's I decided to give bowhunting a try and went to my local archery shop and had them hook me up with about $1500 worth of top of the line Hoyt bow/mechanical rest/ peep sight/ multi pin front sight... and the dreaded "release"... All of this completely ruined my taste for archery (mainly the release) and I sold that bow after one season and haven't given archery a second thought.... until recently.
I realized that the number one thing that turned me off was loosing touch with the basic lineage of man, bow, arrow, animal... releasing an arrow with a trigger is no more bow hunting than releasing a bullet with a trigger (IMO).
So I've found TradGang, and I'm here to learn and looking to start the buying process...
Thanks for hanging in there if your still awake ha ha..!