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Author Topic: silvertip hummingbird or shawnee  (Read 1046 times)

Offline daniel boon

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silvertip hummingbird or shawnee
« on: January 12, 2011, 01:32:00 AM »
thinking of getting a new recurve schafer silvertip  hummingbird kingfisher or morrison shawnee at 60" to 62" length having trouble deciding     any help???

Offline Benny Nganabbarru

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Re: silvertip hummingbird or shawnee
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2011, 03:24:00 AM »
G'day Dan,

The standard advice is to try before you buy, but in many or even most instances, that won't work in Australia.

Another standard piece of advice is that you really cannot go wrong with any of them, and there are many happy shooters of all of those.

Now, there are two personality types when it comes to archers, generally speaking.

The first type, which I consider myself to be, is not very fussy or sensitive, and will bloody-well make any bow work, maintaining that all bows shoot just fine if I do my part.

The second type of archer is always looking for the holy grail, and soon becomes dissatisfied with the bow, usually saying that the grip doesn't suit, or something.

Now, I'm a bowaholic, and have quite a few bows, and like them all. Having placed myself in the first category, I must admit that I struggle to shoot short Hills and Kodiak Magnums, due to my longer draw length. So, if you have an idea about the length of bow that best suits a particular style of bow combined with your draw length, it is very hard to go wrong.

I've not got any experience with the bows you listed except for the Silvertip, which naturally I have much good to say about (I do tire of reading, "Hey, get my brand of bow because I shoot it and it's the best!", which we often see here). But many others will no-doubt have much good to say about the others.

So, I've had and have numerous bows, and only once have I been able to try-before-I-buy. I've done my research, and decided what I like the looks of, and haven't been let down.

So, consider comfortable shooting for your draw length through research here and through asking the bowyer, and just go for the one that you and your wallet like the most, and you won't be sorry (unless you happen to be quite fussy).


TGMM - Family of the Bow

Offline L. E. Carroll

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Re: silvertip hummingbird or shawnee
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2011, 03:30:00 AM »
OOOHHH that' a tough one... I have never had the pleasure of owning or shooting a Hummingbird so can't give my perspective on that one.  

I have however, owned a "few" Silvertips made by both Paul and Dave. I still have a beautiful 60"r made by Dave, along with one of Paul's 62" Silver Ghost 3 pc T/D's... They are oh sooo smooth, fast, fit the hand well, and just look like "The Hunting Bow"... No complaints on them form me at all.         :thumbsup:          

I also own one of each of Bob Morrison's 3 piece style bows [ Cheyenne R/C, an "early" T/D R/C, a Shawnee and 2 ILF's]... Before getting my Shawnee I was very pleased with all of them... But, there is something about that bow [ mine is a L/B with 2 sets of bamboo cored, "D" length L/B limbs and an "A" length riser ]... It may not be as "pretty" as some of my Morrison's with it's flaired [same wood] Mesqueete riser, 1/2 pinecones and low grip but is "Way fast" , stable, quiet, and hits with authority right where I'm looking... If the house was to catch fire and the Shawnee was the only one I could save..   :thumbsup:            

Now here's the "Other Factor" you may want to consider... Since getting one of Bob's new ILF risers [ the wooden ones ] both a mini-13" and a 16", and playing with a set of "C" length carbon/wood cored LB limbs... for a short, extremely fast, comfortable, quiet, and "adjustable" 56" bow [ on the short riser ] and a set of the those "great" Hoyt G3 "Long" R/C limbs, that are also awesome limbs....You may want to include one of these in your purcase option list?        ;)        [ This is my "bow of choice" at this time. ]

Or, if I may throw a bit more confusion into the equation?         :thumbsup:        

Well there's my $.02 for the night..oh yes, I should add, I have a draw lenght of 28 1/2" and all bows listed above work very well at that length.

Tall Tines R/C
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Offline KentuckyTJ

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Re: silvertip hummingbird or shawnee
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2011, 07:55:00 AM »
First off welcome from Kentucky.

I have owned or shot them all. They are all top of the line bows with similar performance. It will come down to grip and personal preference of aesthetics.

The Hummingbird riser is larger and bulkier and the limbs are bouncier than the others. Next in riser size is the Schafer then finally the slim sleek riser of the Morrison.

The deciding factor for me would be the ability to get foam core limbs and the Morrison I believe is your only option there. The Morrison also gives you the option of getting long bow limbs for your riser if you may ever have that interest.
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Re: silvertip hummingbird or shawnee
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2011, 09:23:00 AM »
I have not owned or shot any of these three bows. But I would love to try Them all. All TRADITIONAL Bows have a special beauty too me, so lithe and shapely.
" The History of the Bow and Arrow is the History of Mankind " Fred Bear

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Offline YORNOC

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Re: silvertip hummingbird or shawnee
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2011, 09:29:00 AM »
I like the Silvertip myself. I like the riser design much better then the other two. IMO. They all shoot well, you cant go wrong with any of them.
David M. Conroy

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Re: silvertip hummingbird or shawnee
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2011, 03:19:00 PM »
I own 2 schafer's,2 morrison shawnee's,but no Hummingbird.I have killed 3 deer with the shawnee and 2 with the schafer.Both are exceptionally made shooters.the grip and the smoothness of the schafer is my preference.I did meet Ben Graham and shot his bows which are again exceptionally good bows who makes the h bird.If money is a factor the hummingbird is 100's less.any of these will give you outstanding performance.The draw of the schafer is the sweetest bow I have ever shot.

Offline Bowwild

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Re: silvertip hummingbird or shawnee
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2011, 05:56:00 PM »
I have zero experience with the Hummer or Shawnee. Everyone above provided great insight. I especially like Ben's practical points. I would have saved myself some money if I could have tried some bows I've bought before I did it. I love em all for the first few days of shooting and then....well you just don't get what you paid for them ....nor should you.

It is such an intensley personal choice. For instance, at the moment I find it hard to believe that anyone who has ever handled a Schafer Silvertip wouldn't put them at the top of their list (I'm not saying only bow but top bow). But low and behold, there are folks just like that.

If I had a fire, (in case my benefactor is reading) I would grab the Silvertip he has loaned me until mine is shipped in April! But wait, I have two hands and so does my wife...so, drop those pictures honey and carry this....and this....

Offline ny state land

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Re: silvertip hummingbird or shawnee
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2011, 06:30:00 PM »
I can't believe there a bow out there you haven't tried!           :eek:   Just kidding i am  bow crazy  myself. Got a Shawnee and it's the greatest thing and i have owned so, so many.........

Offline ScottinPA

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Re: silvertip hummingbird or shawnee
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2011, 09:11:00 PM »
I've owned 2 'birds and now own 1'tip with another on order.  Nothing wrong with the 'birds, shot where I looked and quiet.  I just like the 'tip better.  Just as quiet, definiety quicker and I seem to shoot it better than I did the 'birds - not that there was a big difference.  I've test driven Morrison's and like them but still came back to the 'tip.

"There is no excellance in Archery without great labor".
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Offline wapitimike1

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Re: silvertip hummingbird or shawnee
« Reply #10 on: January 13, 2011, 07:12:00 AM »
Schafer's my choice I've have Morrison's but I only use the Schafe's. The grips much better in hand with a larger shelf. They seem to tune much easier then my Morrison's. As far as speed goes there equal in my opinion when compared # for # and not by listing.

Offline J-dog

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Re: silvertip hummingbird or shawnee
« Reply #11 on: January 13, 2011, 07:26:00 AM »
Win/Win situation Ben gave the best advice I have ever seen for these questions and I know I can do no better.

I shoot Schafers silvertips though so guess they aree my favorites.

You cant go wrong,

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Offline Bishop

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Re: silvertip hummingbird or shawnee
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2011, 07:29:00 AM »
I've had a couple of Hummingbirds but the curves I've kept and hunt are Silvertips. Both are smooth and quiet and perform well. The Silvertip grip just "feels" the best in my hand.

Offline Ringneck

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Re: silvertip hummingbird or shawnee
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2011, 11:13:00 AM »
It's all about the grip. I had a Hummingbird and it was the nicest custom I have had in regards to workmanship and beauty. If the grip would have fit me better I would still have it.

Offline md126

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Re: silvertip hummingbird or shawnee
« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2011, 04:26:00 PM »
have a schafer and have shot all three.

for me the schafer is the most forgiving and the best all around bow, especially for hunting.

Offline 7 Lakes

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Re: silvertip hummingbird or shawnee
« Reply #15 on: January 14, 2011, 08:52:00 PM »
I've shot Ben Graham's Hummingbird Recurves, sorry no experience with the others.  I just don't see how a recurve could get any better than the several I shot.

Offline daniel boon

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Re: silvertip hummingbird or shawnee
« Reply #16 on: January 16, 2011, 08:14:00 AM »
thanks for your input boys i think i might go with the tip at this stage we will see what happens

Offline daniel boon

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Re: silvertip hummingbird or shawnee
« Reply #17 on: January 16, 2011, 08:15:00 AM »
thanks for your input boys i think i might go with the tip at this stage we will see what happens

Offline daniel boon

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Re: silvertip hummingbird or shawnee
« Reply #18 on: January 16, 2011, 08:16:00 AM »
sorry for the double

Offline Real Buckmaster

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Re: silvertip hummingbird or shawnee
« Reply #19 on: January 16, 2011, 09:59:00 AM »
Have had the schafer and Morrisons.  I have 3 morrison ILFs.
 The bows can be tuned very easy. You can shoot about whatever shaft you want. The tiller can be set for three under, split whatever you want.   With two bow I have 4 different bow length combination's I like to use the shorter bows for hunting and the longer bow for just plain shootin.
  You cant go wrong on any of them. The grip/length/balance/how it shoots is personal. Try them find the one you shoot the best with and hang on to it.

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