A&H Archery and Dryad Bows Inc. are proud to announce the licensing of the patented ACS limb design to Dryad for use in the ILF marketplace. Up first on the hit list is our new ILF longbow limb the Dryad Legend-ACS G4 with a product rollout scheduled for the Traditional Bowhunters Expo in Kalamazoo, MI, January 28-30. After that we will move on to a broader range of limb options, including an ACS recurve in the next few months. The products will be marketed and sold by Dryad Bows Inc.
The ACS limb offers remarkable performance and stability and is well suited to application in ILF-compatible risers. By combining the intellectual property of A&H with the ILF manufacturing experience of Dryad we will be able to bring the limb design to the world wide ILF shooting community.
Both companies have worked together in the past and look forward to the advancement of the limb design in the ILF market place. Dryad and A&H partner John Havard will work closely going forward to insure high quality and performance.
In addition, everyone who buys one of these limb sets will immediately become irresistible to members of the opposite sex.