With just a few days remaining before vendor registrations close, the future of the Midwest Traditional Archery Expo at the Five Sullivan Brothers Convention Center in Waterloo, Iowa (March 4-6)is in jeopardy. Vendor support for the event is lacking in general, despite efforts to encourage participation (reduction of decorated booth fees to $100). I need at least 40 vendors to sign up to come close to breaking even on the expo and so far have 15. I need to get at least 25 more vendors to commit to the show or it will have to be cancelled. Many thanks to those vendors who supported this venture, including Winter Bow Shoppe, Black Widow Custom Bows, St. Joe River Bows, Dwyer Longbows, Tall Tines Bows, G&M Archery, Footed Shaft, Prairie Traditions, Pine Hollow Longbows, Best Friend Longbows, Lost Nation Archery, Holm-Made Bows, Kwik-Strap and TradArchers' World magazine. Also, thanks to Fred Asbell, Steve Gorr, Paul Shore and Gene Winter for agreeing to be seminar speakers. I'll let you know the status of the Expo soon. Tom