on the business of bow and arrow speed ...
first and foremost, arrow speed doesn't kill.
well placed, well flying arrows with sharp broadheads are the proper ticket to that dance.
those kinda speculative, projected arrow speed formulas aren't even worth messing with, as the technical rubber meets the road with a proper chronograph and you'd be surprised sometimes at the results, particularly when a finger release is used and not mechanical. however ...
in the long run, the actual, technical arrow speed doesn't mean anything at all. not a thing.
read that again! yes, it's true! all that matters is figuring out, via *your* testing, the best flying arrow for yer bow and *you*. keep the arrow weight reasonably high (9-10gpp at the minimum), and stick within yer comfort shooting distance zone for arrow trajectory and yer good to go!
now go kill something for suppers! :D