Guys, I have been bow hunting for 38 years and have used a little of everything. What I mean is wood, carbon, aluminum, muzzy broad heads (the old ones), Zwickey, bear ect. The equipment today is awesome. The bow are faster for the poundage, the broad heads are tougher and we are better shots. I think if you use a arrow 10th per pound od bow weight with a razor sharp broad head and you put it in the kill zone you will be successful. Good hunting. I shoot a Kota or belcher recurve 50@28, gold tip 5575, 200 grain a bowyer brown bears or 200 grain vpa, 5.5 inch right wing feathers. I can shoot well enough to puts 3 arrows on target with the fletchings touching from 20 yards and regularly practice from 40 yards.
I give most of the credit for my confidence in my equipment and my shooting to guys on this sight that have given me advice.