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Author Topic: Interest in 1 1/4" VPA Terminators?** Big Jim comes thru again! 1 1/4 glue on's**  (Read 5421 times)

Offline Guru

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I was just talking to Jeff about these....

I love the the 160 glue-on's, but, would like the option to shoot a bigger version if I choose to at lighter skinned stuff like deer.

Anyway, Jeff said if there was enough interest in these 1 1/4" 250 gr., screw-in, non-vented bh's that they would make a run of 100 packs.

But since the cost of tool grade steel has risen, they'd be priced higher than the smaller versions...about $49 per 3 pk.

So lets hear it fellas...who else is like me and likes to shoot the big boys!!

Heck I'd like to see an even bigger version sold by VPA, I luv the silence of a non-vented head     :thumbsup:
Curt } >>--->   

"I love you Daddy".......My son Cade while stump shooting  3/19/06

Offline Charlie Lamb

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Curt... I'd love a 1 1/4" VPA. I've recently switched back to aluminum and would only need 160gr.
Hunt Sharp


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Charlie, Don't think different weights would be an option.

I think it would just be 250gr. screw-in's...and non-vented I hope!!

What's up with the switch bud?
Curt } >>--->   

"I love you Daddy".......My son Cade while stump shooting  3/19/06

Offline Shad

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I shoot the 160 grain glue ons non vented. Absolutely love them!
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Offline Charlie Lamb

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Have been experiencing some strange misses with the carbons since I switched to them. My shooting has really settled down now that I'm back to beer can shafts.

I had the carbons tuned extremely well so that shouldn't have been it. Maybe I had just gotten stale.
Hunt Sharp


Offline Larry Surtees

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I'd be in on that one for 250 gr screw in (1 1/4).

Did you get anything in the mail yet?

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Offline L. E. Carroll

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Curt, I would commit to 1 Dozen.     :wavey:
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Offline zipper bowss

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I use to get requests for them quite regular.That was before the word realy got out about them not being available any more.

Offline tradtusker

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Big Jim does a 1 1/2" VPA glue on in 250gr

as an option
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**TGMM Family of the Bow**

Andy Ivy

Offline Morning Star

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I'd be interested in the 1 1/4" heads if they are priced like the other VPA's.

I really like the Big Jim heads, but the cost keeps me away.
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Offline Tajue17

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Morning star hit it right there,,, would these be the same price,,,, but doesn't VPA make the big jim heads?  and if they did go to 1 1/4 then its only fair that Big Jim then goes to 1 3/4" or 2" wide 300gr 3-blades...

I say bring back the biggies!
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Offline Guru

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Com'on fellas, lets show them that there's a lot of us that like to shoot big'uns    :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:    

I remember a thread not to long ago about VPA's and there were bunches beggin' for the older 1 1/4" heads    :dunno:
Curt } >>--->   

"I love you Daddy".......My son Cade while stump shooting  3/19/06

Offline BigJim

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There are a fair amount of guys who like the big heads but are not willing to pay extra for them.

These are American made quality construction and that's not cheap. I don't see many guys buying the 1 1/4 at $50 bucks but I'm shure there would be a few. I would purchase the 100 packs for resale, but I'm shure sales would be a little sluggish.
I have experienced a moderate response to the Big Jim Heads and I'm shure that is because of price and being new. I will continure to stock those because I love them and if I have to shoot every last one it's worth it me because they are devastating. I have taken 4 deer and 3 pigs so far this year with them and the increased blood trail is so obvious that I'm extatic.
I'm also a firm believer that the guys experiencing success with the 1 1/8" heads would continue to have success with the 1 1/2" heads.

Morning Star- As long as you don't loose them, they should last you an incredibly long time.
I have taken four deer, 1 big Hog, two smaller hogs and missed two coon and have shot many into the dirt before leaving the stand. All from a 82# bow and most with the same head. Still sharpen up great and spin perfect! ( not going to tell you how many more times I missed with them this year too)
Weather you buy the 1 1/8" heads or find some 1 1/4" heads or my BigJim 1 1/2" heads, they all spin true and are tougher than woodpecker lips. No vents to whistle, sharpen easy and fly like field tips---- yes, even the big ones fly like field tips.
Tajue17, the original design for the BigJim was 1 5/8" but couldn't keep them at 300g without venting. When I first started talking with VPA, I told them I wanted a 2" head but quickly realized it wasn't possible and keep the grains down to 300.

I just try to live my life in a way that would have made my father proud.

Offline Apex Predator

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I bought one pack when they were available new.  I liked them so much that I have horse traded for a few more.  I would be interested in some more, since they are all I plan to shoot for a very long time.  :)
I didn't claw my way to the top of the food chain to eat vegetables!

Offline katman

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I would be interested in some 1 1/4's
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Offline Frenchymanny

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I second BigJim's as being incredibly tough, and easy to re-sharpen even after a head on shot on a granite slab that totally destroyed the carbon shaft

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Offline Fletcher

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I've wanted some of the 1 1/4" in glue-on, but haven't found any.  I talked to Jeff about them last summer, but even then, cost was an issue.  Thought about doing it as a business move, but not too keen on sitting on a few grand worth of broadheads.  It's only 1/16" of blade height.
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Offline Izzy

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Do they have the same factory angle as Suffers? Im gonna give 2 blades a rest for the rest of the year and on the hunt for a new 3 or 4 blade.

Offline Izzy

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Do they have the same factory angle as Suffers? Im gonna give 2 blades a rest for the rest of the year and on the hunt for a new 3 or 4 blade.

Offline GregD

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I would be a lot more willing with a glue on head. I've bent a few ferrules on the screw in version and would rather just have to replace the ferrule rather than throw away the head.

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