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Author Topic: Interest in 1 1/4" VPA Terminators?** Big Jim comes thru again! 1 1/4 glue on's**  (Read 5420 times)

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Greg, I would rather have a glue-on 1 1/4 as well   then I can adjust with adapters....I think a 200gr. glue-on would be just the ticket!
Curt } >>--->   

"I love you Daddy".......My son Cade while stump shooting  3/19/06

Offline Bob Morrison

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I really can't see what difference the 1 1/4" would make over the 1 1/8".. If I felt I need a bigger head Big Jims 1 1/2" would be it, That is going to be one hard hole to plug... I have taken a few animals in my life and I can say 1/8" larger hole would not have made a difference on any of them.

Offline flyfish1

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Ihave to agree with Bob. I cant see 1/8" being that beneficial especially for the added cost. The 1 1/8 heads make plenty of blood and fly great.
Ron A        

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Offline Bob Palmer

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Count me in! 175 gr or 250 gr screw in.
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Offline Charlie Lamb

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Bob... So why don't you shoot 1". Heck it's only an eighth inch. Or 7/8" or 1/2" or....
Hunt Sharp


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Originally posted by flyfish1:
Ihave to agree with Bob. I cant see 1/8" being that beneficial especially for the added cost. The 1 1/8 heads make plenty of blood and fly great.
I don't expect everyone to understand or think like I do...but I have my reasons      :goldtooth:  

Charlie     ;)

Lets hear it fellas...how bout it?
Curt } >>--->   

"I love you Daddy".......My son Cade while stump shooting  3/19/06

Offline Bob Morrison

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Charlie, I can only get them in 1 1/8" and 1" would cost $$$$$$$. Curt, I do know what your saying and no one needs to know your reasons. We all have our little things that work for us.
If I felt I had to have a 1 1/4" VPA and not want to buy 300 of them I would get Big Jim to send me some and sand them down to 1 1/4" ,a dozen would last a long time,and hope enough guys decide they had have to have them. At that point maybe Big Jim and I can justify buying 300 heads between us for everybody.


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I would only spend that kind of money on a glue on head, where I could have some adjustment thru different weight adapters. AND I could use it on my woodies too.

So a head I would buy would be, glue on, 175-200g, 1.25"


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Originally posted by WESTBROOK:
I would only spend that kind of money on a glue on head, where I could have some adjustment thru different weight adapters. AND I could use it on my woodies too.

So a head I would buy would be, glue on, 175-200g, 1.25"

That would be great!
Curt } >>--->   

"I love you Daddy".......My son Cade while stump shooting  3/19/06

Offline Charlie Lamb

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Bob... you know I was just messin with ya. Luv ya bud!!
Hunt Sharp


Online leatherneck

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These sound real nice. Would really be hard to put down a 160 Snuffer though. Would be nice for large size game like moose or elk. At least for me that is.
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Offline Bob Morrison

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Charlie, I know. I hope my response was taken the same way. Things I write don't always come off the way I meant them to. Really I don't have a problem with 7/8" BH at my poundage that would be perfect. 1 1/8" has not been a problem, still getting 2 holes on game. The 1.5" at my pounds make me a little nervous at low pounds.
 I talked with Jeff this morning and 100 pks of screw on and 100 pks of glue ons. Break even is a lot of heads..... Does this help   :smileystooges:    :deadhorse:

Offline Kenneth

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Originally posted by BigJim:
There are a fair amount of guys who like the big heads but are not willing to pay extra for them.

These are American made quality construction and that's not cheap. I don't see many guys buying the 1 1/4 at $50 bucks but I'm shure there would be a few. I would purchase the 100 packs for resale, but I'm shure sales would be a little sluggish.
I have experienced a moderate response to the Big Jim Heads and I'm shure that is because of price and being new. I will continure to stock those because I love them and if I have to shoot every last one it's worth it me because they are devastating. I have taken 4 deer and 3 pigs so far this year with them and the increased blood trail is so obvious that I'm extatic.
I'm also a firm believer that the guys experiencing success with the 1 1/8" heads would continue to have success with the 1 1/2" heads.

Morning Star- As long as you don't loose them, they should last you an incredibly long time.
I have taken four deer, 1 big Hog, two smaller hogs and missed two coon and have shot many into the dirt before leaving the stand. All from a 82# bow and most with the same head. Still sharpen up great and spin perfect! ( not going to tell you how many more times I missed with them this year too)
Weather you buy the 1 1/8" heads or find some 1 1/4" heads or my BigJim 1 1/2" heads, they all spin true and are tougher than woodpecker lips. No vents to whistle, sharpen easy and fly like field tips---- yes, even the big ones fly like field tips.
Tajue17, the original design for the BigJim was 1 5/8" but couldn't keep them at 300g without venting. When I first started talking with VPA, I told them I wanted a 2" head but quickly realized it wasn't possible and keep the grains down to 300.

I can attest to all Jim says about the heads.  I do all of my broadhead tuning with small feathers and Big Jim heads and they fly just like my field points even with the little feathers.  They sharpen up real easy.  Toughness, well I'm using the 250gr. glue-on with a 25gr. adapter and (the only time I ever missed    :biglaugh:   ) I dead centered my gun safe which is behind my rhinehart target.  Out of a 53# bow a 570gr. arrow slammed into the safe and shattered the shaft and the nock came shooting back at me, well the head looked brand new except for the very tip of the pyramid was just ever so slightly blunted (I mean very minor)  a few strokes with a file and it looks and shoots like brand new and spins true.  

I haven't killed much with trad gear but I have quite a few bow kills under my belt and I am a firm believer in the larger diameter heads 1 1/4" to 1 1/2" on 3 blades and for a 2-blade 1 1/2" to 2+".  JMO.

Chasing my kids and my degree for now but come next fall the critters better look out.  ;)


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How do they measure the official width of a 3 blade head??

I've always assumed it was from point to point at the rear of the blades, is this correct?

So for reference a 160 Snuffer is 1.25" and an original Woodsman 125 is 1"


Offline Morning Star

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I believe the way it's done is by circumferance, not blade to blade.

The 160 snuffers have always been advertised at 1.5".
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Originally posted by Morning Star:

I believe the way it's done is by circumferance, not blade to blade.
Curt } >>--->   

"I love you Daddy".......My son Cade while stump shooting  3/19/06

Offline Charlie Lamb

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Bob... cool!!   :thumbsup:
Hunt Sharp


Offline Big Ed

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I would buy a few packs!!!
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Bringing this up...

There were two fellas that sent me PM's recently that said they'd be good for at least 2 doz. a piece themselves...

Hope they see this and post...
Curt } >>--->   

"I love you Daddy".......My son Cade while stump shooting  3/19/06

Offline Larry Surtees

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I'm one of the 2 that sent you a PM.

I am very interested in 2 1/2 doz (10 packs of 3 heads for the 250 gr 1 1/4" screw ins).

I hope there is enough interest as I am down to a handful myself.  


TGMM Family of the Bow

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