Well got my hands on a Hoyt Buffalo today, and it didnt look near as big in the hand as it did in pics. The one I shot was #45, I was shooting my arrows, 453 grains, and it shot sweeeet! Did have a lot of vibration in it, seemed to go on forever after the shoct. Limbsavers would take care of that. Overall balance was great, and it shot where I looked, but no better than my Quinn and not as well as my Tradtech Titan or Pinnacle, and I have less money in both these ILF bows set up, than I do the Buffalo by itself at over $700. I beleive it is a good design, but too pricey and they missed the boat on not making it ILF. I shot a Dorado along with it same poundage, and it was better behaved, no handshock or vibration, and a whole lot less money. I guess I need to eat some crow over this one, I will be the first to say so, real life sure looks different than TV and Magazines. Just thought I would add to this post.