I think a chrono can be a good tool if your are need the statistics to evaluate performance. I have no problem with that. I would guess that to those who are into design it can be a useful tool, to know if your efforts are going in the right direction. I understand the need for gathering statistically significant data.
To some that have a curiously scientific way of thinking it is an interesting statistic.
Then again to others it can get to a point of "mine is bigger than yours" kinda thing.
At this point in my life "speed" is rather meaningless mainly because the bows I shoot are not significantly different from other bows on the market today. In reality, the difference we may find between any two bows (2-3 fps)does not mean that much, at least to me.
We all have bows, mated with arrows that will more than kill anything within reason. We all like our bows because they are sweet, beautiful, forgiving, magnificent, traditional, manly, or for whatever reason we have chosen then.
We all have bows that, when we have become intimately familiar with their personalities, we begin to shoot with the greatest of degree of satisfaction because we can now "shoot where we look".
To me, the flight of the arrow from the point where it leaves the shelf to where it strikes the target is a great experience. That is not dependent on speed but our magical ability to feel the trajectory - to hit the mark.
Truly then, everybody's bow is the greatest if they think it is.