...Saturday afternoon become with heavy fog setting in and everything was covered by its cape,the noises,the lights I guess that also the smells couldn't go really far.I have discovered a place where the hogs like to come looking for East India chestnuts,they don't like them earlier having something better to feed,but this time of the season they take what they can.
I found a good spot like a kind of a terrasse were to stand and there is just a single trail to go there,because on the back there is a high wall made for containing the hill.It was wet and cold but I was tired of loosing time with out success so I was determinated to stay as long as possible.It was almost dark when a ghost suddendly appeared 10 yards from me,without any sound and started to look for something to heat.
I was cold but ready,I could see just the shape of its body and when it was quartering away I relised my arrow.Well 10 yards aren't a long distance but the bow is incredibly quiet,true not advertising, and....