if the boo - action or solid - has lost it's basic white/parchment color, it's either been stained or tempered.
you know what stain is all about.
tempering heats and cooks the internal grass resins and changes the molecular structure of the boo, making it stronger, stiffer and more durable.
i don't know if any laminated boo is tempered before edge glue joined.
there was some bowyer talk awhile back concerning actionboo/lamboo, but i dunno the full story - hopefully, bowyers can interject their comments. perhaps it was just a bad edge lam job.
all my longbows use solid boo/cane cores and veneers. i've had a few actionboo cored longbows and they seemed just fine. perhaps it's just splitting hairs, but i'd think that edge laminated limbs adds more weight and lighter is always better with bow limbs (assuming there are no strength/stiffness issues). i doubt i could tell the difference in actual performance 'tween lamboo and solid boo. i *DO* know that boo limbs are the smoothest for me, and the only limb core choice i use. ymmv.