from a previous post i made comparing 'hawks and hills ....
there is no comparison 'tween the two bows as they are different in many ways that may not be visually available.
hill style longbows have narrow and deep limbs, with either some reflex, or straight, or follow, and brace to a "D" shape. as a result of their design, they are very stable, require longer bow lengths for a given draw length, and yes, you need to know how to shoot them to reduce the hand shock to a thump.
mohawk longbows have wider, thinner, trapped limbs with both mild limb reflex and riser deflex. as a result of r/d, they can be more efficient and pleasing in shorter lengths for a given draw length. they also brace to a "D" limb shape.
having owned and shot a gaggle of both bows ...
hills are aesthetically the most pleasing longbows, whether unbraced or braced. nothing sez 'trad archery/bowhunting' than a howard hill longbow and a quiver fulla woodies. i love 'em, i want 'em, i'll always have 'em.
however, 'hawks are much smoother on the draw and release with zero hand shock, while maintaining a good degree of 'stability' on the release. these bows simply exhibit more performance - faster arrow speeds, no shock or thump on release and they do like heavy arrows.
as always, ymmv - as it should!