TW The top quiver you have is exactly like the ones I made and sold for a long time. I lined the mouth and the bottom of the quiver with sheepskin and triple bottomed the leatherl 'they also had brass or antler saddlering adjustments and most had antler burr buttons on the sheepskin. A lot had a pocket and knife and file scabbard. I made and sold a lot of them , In fact sold them faster than I could make them. I finally qukit because I could not keep a sourse of good heavy oil tanned leather. 8 oz or better. They require a lot mor time and work than most people realize. Anyway I would almost bet that is one of my quivers. If so they were not cheap.
Charles, Those otter quivers are really neat Bro. I have always wanted an otter case for a bow. funny I never thought about a quiver but they are perfect.
God Bless, Steve