I feel I should bring you guys up to date with what has been going on. First of all, we want to thank so many of you for trusting us in purchasing something literally sight unseen. Your support and enthusiasm has been heartfelt. We have been experiencing multiple speed bumps with the replicator. Multiple proof copies have gone back and forth next day air with our main concern being clarity. The replication results seemed to lose several generations in what we handed them. We expect nothing but first class duplication in every respect. The results in quality were simply unacceptable to us. We had to change the encoding process by testing various bit rates. Due to three hours total footage, the decision was finally made to go to a two disk set at no extra cost to the consumer, with the bonus footage on a second disk. This required new case and disk design. The good news is that the clarity issues have been completely resolved. David Mitten drove to St. Louis to personally help, going another 48 hours without sleep. The results and clarity are now spectacular even on huge screens. Again, it is still in their hands now and we are keeping our fingers crossed what they deliver will have no problems or glitches. We are hoping for delivery directly to Kalamazoo on Saturday morning but again we can't promise anything due to it being out of our control again. Many of you might see the final finished production even before we do! If in fact they don't make it to Kazoo by next weekend, we expect delivery within days after Kalamazoo. Hopefully many of you will be able to pick up your copies at Kazoo. If not, I can only promise you this thing is going to be very much worth the wait. We are very very proud of it. Thanks again for your infinite patience and loyal support. Stay tuned!