Yes, it's true. Using Stu Miller's Dynamic Spine Calculator just caused my bank account to take a serious hit. Here's how it all came about:
It seems that a couple of years ago I somehow found myself with 18 new Easton Legacy 2020 arrows. The only problem was that these arrows weren't correct for any bow that I owned. So today, finding myself with too much time on my hands, I fed the information about these arrows into Stu's program. After all was said and done it turned out that these arrows would be perfect for a bow that I have long considered adding to my arsenal. I then decided that it would be a darn shame to let these perfectly good arrows sit around gathering dust. And that's when I made the decision to order another one of Norm Johnson's Blacktail bows. Not sure if my wife will swallow my story, but I'm blaming this one on Stu Miller.
(And don't think that some of you other guys are off the hook for this caper. If it weren't for that myrtle limb thread I may have went with a less purdy option.)