this is all getting off topic, but if the topic starter will allow this to continue to a reasonable resolution ...
re: "... will the customer be honest."
the answer, from a business standpoint, must largely be "expect not".
if so, it doesn't matter what the bow warranty sez regarding both the bowstring fiber and strand count, or the arrow weight, or the business of dry firing. i don't see how a bowyer can disprove any customer busted bow claims based on the aforementioned possible warranty specifications, i.e. - dry fire, strand count versus fiber type, arrow weight, etc.
also, imho, when it comes to skinny hmpe strings - and they can ONLY be made with hmpe fibers! - even though only 2 strands can safely handle a 50# stick bow, i'd still much rather have 6 to 10 more strands 'cause i don't shoot a flight bow or a target bow, it's a hunting bow.