When I mentioned the chrony results of my Mohawks I should have made clear that I do have a 30 inch draw. Also, my limbs are all bamboo. I think hte boo is very light but tough. the decrease in mass may give any bow a 1-2 fps improvement? So, my longer draw and the boo limbs may help to squeeze out a few more FPS in my opinion.
However, I think most D shaped bows will preform similarly. I like the Mowhawk because I just love that style of bow. I love the handle and my elbow does not tolerate hand shock. Even if I do not perceive it, the next day when my elbow aches and my fingers get numb, so no hand shock for me.
The smooth draw in those boo limbs and what ever else goes into the design eliminate any hand shock, and is why I shoot the bows. They are quiet, a bigggie for me, and smooth. I can even shoot 54 pounds again ... no elbow pain. They are forgiving of my less than perfect form as well. So, I know the orginal post was what type of speed can one expect. I guess it is average to good, a bit above average. That is not the only reason I like mine.
There are lots of real good longbows out there. I think the bow kinda picks the shooter, so shoot as many as you can. Marty's Sapelo is one I have always wanted to try as well as Dan Toelke's Super-D. It may be more about the grip, quiet and smoothness than the speed.
Best of luck in your research Joe.