Last friday I met on training a guy who bought a horsebow. He took it with him. After our training he asked me if I was interested in shooting it..... stupid question! I thought he would never ask it!
I never shot one, so there I went. Started at 10 yards to begin with. The bow was 50#@28"and I draw 30 at least on that bow, so it would have been close to the 55 lbs.
However, a silken smooth draw and smokin' arrows. Handshock? Strangeley enough I thought the first three arrows the handshoch was terrible, but I must have done something wrong, because afterwards I never felt it again.
Soon I was shooting at 20 yards and right in the killzone. Like I was shooting this bow for years, in fact i was shooting it even much better as the sadly looking owner....
Oh well I gave it back and mailed a friend of mine. He owns I think over 20 horsebows and I nicknamed him Atilla. I asked him some advice, because i wanted to buy one. Instead of that he offered me one bow of his, a 48#@28" and a total lenght of 62 inches. A Hungarian bow which he pimped up with furr and leather, a real looker. The brand is Grozer, which has an outstanding reputation and make high quality bows. Only 1.5 years old and brandnew. Made in Hungary. I can testdrive it and he asks only € 180,- ! I simply couldn't resist and hopefully I will test-drive and pick it up next week. he send me some pics which I would like to share with you guys. Isn't she pretty?
BTW the pics aren't great, so the black "things" on the limbs is furr......