Originally posted by joebuck:
I wish Monty could read all of this.... Or does he?
Joey! Browning? With a computer?
HHAHAHhHAhhahhHh...now that's funny!
Another quick story;
At PBS Banquet in Charlotte he donated one of his solid fiberglass hunting arrows for silent auction. I bid upwards of $600 for it but as I was working the banquet, it closed before I could get back to the bid sheet.
Later that evening, Monty thanked me for running up the bid on his arrow. He thouht it odd that I would bid on one of his arrows because Joey and I have both returned his lost arrows from mmmmmmisses on the 3d course.
I said; "THE arrow that killed the world record bear! I wasn't running he bid up! I wanted it!"
Bemusedly he told me that, that wasn't THE arrow. Just AN arrow.
A week later I got a long, skinny package in the mail from Browning. Yep. It was THE arrow that he killed the bear with. Inscribed with the date and his signature along with a handwritten note that said if I ever tired of having it, that I use it somehow, for the betterment of bowhunting.
You can't make this stuff up folks........