The 90-100# spined ones weigh 790+ grains. As for where the wood came from, I had the wood left over from an addition I did, and I then sent out the wood to Alleghany Mountain Arrow Woods to get turned into shafts. Only half of the shafts I had made were actually able to be made into arrows. I flexed all the shafts once I got them to check, and out of 79 shafts, I was able to get 35 that made the cut to go on to become arrows. The grain was just to hard to read, so I threw the dice, and just had to find out what I was going to get. I think all in all, I did fantastic. And his price was unbeatable. If you use your own wood, he charges .25 a shaft. A pretty good deal if you can read the grain on the wood you have.