Rick Stillman made & sent my arrow. He is a sponsor for "the feathered shaft" & goes by "Fletcher" here at TG. He said to "kill it which I can't seem to do. Tremendous strength in this 32" arrow!
Was out yesterday after church around 1:oo PM. Soon deep in the woods enjoying a respite from the freezing temps while stumpshooting w/a BQ full of BH's & enough judos just in case the Stillman has a wreck. Tembo rocks! Found real fresh hog sign. LSS, I found hogs on public land after 3 years.
The wind was right so I began my stalk in earnest. When 30 yards away I have a broadside shot on the 100#'er. Unsuitable w/the new Tembo heavyweight as I'm not yet comfortable shooting that distance with this bow. Step lightly, crouch, & don't breathe to get a little closer while he's busy rooting. Why does my heart have to beat so loud? Sweat is coming from places I don't sweat. All the sudden, his fat muy grande egg dragging uncle comes out of the thick bush broadside! Wow! This guy is a tank. Just guessing 250 dressed. My heart took off. I was stooped & bowed slinking through the thick stuff trying not to make any noise. These guys must be deaf if they can't hear my heart now! 3 blacks & 2 multicolored. Medium black had silver rimmed ears. Never saw that before & it was weird. No way can I pull this bow in this position. I'll be good Lord if you'll just give me a shot. Was kidding there because I'd be good anyway. Trailed hogs (5 total) over 100 yards before breaking it off & going around the other side hoping to head them off. Sure enough here they come. The big boy is scratching his big hairy pork butt high up on a tree through the woods. Just as I was thinking what luck, I felt cold air on the back of my neck. You know what that means? My heart's beating fast as Jesse Owens just recalling the events. I'll be out again first chance. My camera was on my back & I got no pix. Never even considered it. Go figure.