It all started at the Kalamazoo Expo last weekend. We were out to dinner as a family and my oldest son, Nick (7 years old), said he had to make something for the school science fair in the middle of February. He asked if he could build an arrow all by himself. Well, if you all would please join me in a very proud dad moment I would appreciate it.
Here he is picking out his very first shaft to be the greatest arrow of all time.

Sanding the shaft before any finish is appliedd. I did do the tapers for him seeing that a 7 year old should not use power tools (woodchuck)

Now Nick is applying the crown stain.

Then after letting the crown stain dry for 5 hours, he then did the foreshaft stain.

After allowing 24 hours for the stain to dry, he did his first coat of clear sealer.

After allowing to dry for 24 hours he then started with his wide band of blue cresting.

Applying his red pinstripping.

Applying duco to install the nock.