I have ten gold tip 75/95 arrows and 10 microflite #11 arrows. The gts are 29" bop and the microflites are from 28 to 30" bop. All are in great shape,the gts are mostly new and I refurbished the microflites.
I will give the gold tips to one person and the microflites to another.
If you are new to Trad archery and need some arrows, post on here and I will consider you for them or if you know someone starting out in need of some arrows,let me know. The GTs will work out of 60# bows and up and so will the microflites.
I will let this run for one week and then I will make the choices to give the arrows to.I will put the member numbers in a hat and draw two numbers.
I also have a bunch of graphlex arrows and shafts if someone would like to have them, some are arrows others are shafts.I will pick another person for these.
So lets have some fun.