It wouldn't be a bad way to go as long as those numbers are accurate.The calculator usually is but comparing setups I have,it was very accurate on the lower FOC arrows but on the real heavy FOC ones,I needed way more point weight than it recommended.
I shoot some 30" 7595's out of bows 52-55#s at my draw length.It takes about 400 grs of point and insert weight to tune them.This makes a 700 gr arrow,app 13 gpp.30.5" would require slightly less,maybe 10-20 grs but I doubt more.
The 5575's may be closer but I wouldn't be too quick to cut.If you want to keep a 10 0r 11 gpp arrow.I would start longer than the calculator recommends and gradually trim them down till you get good flight with whatever point weight you want to use.
How do you get 150 gr inserts? Good luck with it.