My trad story...
Once upon a time 5ys ago?, BOWBUM (formerly ZIP-R) became upset with his mech arrow launcher and stumbled onto the tradgang website. Eventually becoming convinced that trad archery was definitely simpler and more fun, he purchased a used Kodiak Hunter. Some hunts went by, alot of waterfowling took priority, and bowhunting once again became numero uno. This led to an upgrade to a Newer bow of more weight. The shooting of said bow with more weight and bad form led to a BOW BUMed shoulder, and the purchase of a new mech arrow launcher financed by the selling of the newer, heavier bow. 2 seasons pass, the Kodiak Hunter being brought out and shot occasionally, eventually fueling the fire smoldering for 5 years. Fast forward to today. New mech arrow launcher is locked away in the case, the Kodiak Hunter is being shot well, and has properly matched arrows. I've always thought I could shoot a different recurve better. Whilst visiting the K-Zoo expo I found 2 that indeed feel, and shoot much better.
So, given the above; and provided I continue to care for my shoulder, I've been contemplating using the new mech arrow launcher to finance the purchase of one of the 2 recurved either new or used.
I'm so on the fence about this. I've been thinking about it for about 2 months now. Not sure if its a security blanket in case my shoulder goes bad, or the fact I will take a bit of a money bath on the wheelie or what! Hell I even have 10yr old compound to could keep just in case.
So what say you? Kick me off the fence either way.
Honestly, has anyone regretted losing the wheels?
Thanks for reading/listening