Quite a lineup. Wish I'd have had the chance to enjoy all those, too. My own list would be headed by Val Sorrentino(RIP). He didn't make bows to sell, though you had to give him some money to get one. We never met face-to-face, but we had many long conversations and saw eye-to-eye on a lot of things about this life. He had a gift for simple elegance in a bow, and they shot so well! I still have the bows he made for me, but I'd just like to talk with him again.
Also, the bow shooting public lost something when Rick Lepp quit making the Bow River bows. They were very under-appreciated, and that's a real shame. Good straightforward designs that were easy to shoot well.
There's a lot of glamor in some of the bows today....and, I'll admit, it often dazzles me as well. But, I find it interesting that nearly all these bows we wish were still around didn't have much of it. Are we just nostalgic for a simpler time. Nah, more likely we'd like to have all that we have today.......AND all those oldies but goodies!!!
Good thread -thanks!