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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: New to me Kwyk Styk (Got it today, pics on page 2) And another... Pics page 3 :-)  (Read 2949 times)

Offline Bowhunter4life

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Right now I'm thinking my 31" Goldtip 55/75 with a 250 grain 1 1/4" VPA or Woodsman on the end should do the trick...  I've got the slip-on Selway to go on it also...

Did I mention I can't wait to get this bow???
"Bowhunting isn't a hobby or a sport... It's a way of life!"

Quote: "Everything you read on the internet is the truth." -Abraham Lincoln
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Offline joe skipp

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I shoot AD TRad Lites cut 28.5" (i draw 27"). 100 grain brass insert, 30 gr BHA and 125 gr Zwickey. Total arrow weight 600 grains. They fly like darts from all my bows especially the Kempf Stealth.
"Neal...is this heaven?" "No Piute but we are dam close". Top of the Mtn in Medicine Bow Nat Forest.

Offline L. E. Carroll

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The 1 1/4" 250's on GT 5575 are exactly what my 60" 58# KS likes. However, mine are cut 29 5/8" [ I draw 28 1/2" ]from nock throat to BOP for right at 580 gns... They work veeeery nice for me.  :thumbsup:  

Gene  ;)
Tall Tines R/C
64 Kodiak
69 Super Kodiak Big River replica
56" 55$# Static Tipped Kwyk Styk
Blacktail Elite
54 dual shelf Compass Kodiak

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Traditional Bowhunters of WA.

Offline Bowhunter4life

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I know that bow Gene...  ;)   Glad it has worked out so well for you!  If it was a 58" or even 56" I would still own it...
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Quote: "Everything you read on the internet is the truth." -Abraham Lincoln
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Offline Bowhunter4life

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Got it today, exactly as described, serving was a bit thick for my nocks on my Goldtips so I changed it out.  

Started with my 55/75's and the 250 grain tips... to weak.  Dropped down to 200... 175... 125 and bingo!  Nock and feathers and stacking arrows, but those arrows are to light...  So, switched to the 75/95 and started with the 250 grain tips... Here are the first two arrows at 23 yards...


After shooting for about an hour or so with that combo, I've found the arrow for this bow.  Kinda surprised that it took such a stiff arrow, but it is what it is... Plus I was right about the 58" vs the 60" for me...  Still have a bit of tinkering to do, but I'm loving it so far!
"Bowhunting isn't a hobby or a sport... It's a way of life!"

Quote: "Everything you read on the internet is the truth." -Abraham Lincoln
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Offline joe skipp

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:readit:    :archer2:
"Neal...is this heaven?" "No Piute but we are dam close". Top of the Mtn in Medicine Bow Nat Forest.

Online glenbo

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Great shooting

Offline Bonebuster

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That is a SWEET bow.

With your draw length and those stiff Gold Tips, you got a real powerhouse there.

Obviously, it hums a precision tune!  :thumbsup:

Offline Covey

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If they all shoot like that, I might oughta get me one!  :D   Sweet bow! Jason


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Looks like that bow fits well for you.
If you tinker to much you will only replace nocks each shot.  :thumbsup:

Offline Bowhunter4life

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I don't shoot like that all the time, but I think it was more the bow saying "There you go dummy, that's what I like!"   ;)   Put "my" wool puffs at the 1/4 points of the string tonight, and this string already has Bow Hush on the ends...  I've got the brace at 7 1/2" right now, but I'm gonna tinker around with that a bit and see if it will tell me the same type of thing when i find the sweet spot.
"Bowhunting isn't a hobby or a sport... It's a way of life!"

Quote: "Everything you read on the internet is the truth." -Abraham Lincoln
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Online cacciatore

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It looks to be a great shooter and a looker too.
1993 PBS Regular

Offline Thunderhorn25

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Offline Bowhunter4life

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Well, after getting a PM from Joe Skipp I put the measure tape on the bow...  It's actually a 60" bow!  Says 58" on the limbs, but it is definately a 60" bow.  This riser is the 16" riser and the 56" and 58" bows usually have the 14" riser...

Anyway, I've got another Kwyk Styk coming to me, 56", 56# @ 28"...


Plan on changing these limbs with the current ones I have, and put the current limbs I have on the new riser.  Should make a pair of 58" bows, one with a 16" riser and one with a 14" riser...
"Bowhunting isn't a hobby or a sport... It's a way of life!"

Quote: "Everything you read on the internet is the truth." -Abraham Lincoln
>>>-TGMM Family of the Bow--->

Offline Guru

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Jeff, That sure looks to be a 58" riser to me.

If I'm not mistaken, all of the KS's have the same length limbs, just the riser length changes.

For example, my two have just shy of 14" risers and are def. 56" KS's....

 Jack must measure them a little different. Because when I make a string for either of mine, I have to make them for an AMO 57" bow.

So if your riser is around 16", you have a 58" KS bud.

Just looking at the riser, I can tell it's a 58"'er, and the very familiar looking one you have the way to you is a 56" KS...you're gonna love it!

Certainly don't want to contradict my bud Joe...but that's what it looks like to me...
Curt } >>--->   

"I love you Daddy".......My son Cade while stump shooting  3/19/06

Offline ti-guy

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Very nice bow
An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward.So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it's going to launch you into something great.

Online cacciatore

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I like that grey color.Let it know how it shoots.
1993 PBS Regular

Offline Zmonster

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Awesome. How did you manage to score another one? These bows are as rare as woodpecker teeth and you snatched up the first one I've seen in the classifieds in 4 years, and now another within two weeks. Your one lucky guy.

I was hovering on that first one you got within minutes of it being posted, but it just wasn't right for me. Wasnt going to last long for sure. Enjoy it.
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying,
"Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"
And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" Isaiah 6:8

Offline Bowhunter4life

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Thanks all!

Curt, the riser on the one I have is 15 5/8" long and nock to nock is 56" strung.  That makes it a 60" bow correct?  AMO minus 4"?  

The one I have coming is a 13 1/2" riser and 52" nock to nock... Makes for a 56" bow with my measurements...  Also, the current Kwyk Styk I have is 2" longer then the 58" Widow PSA I have when you lay them side by side...  The extra 2" has to be in the limbs...  

Now, if the limbs interchange will be the trick.  I'm sure they will be close, but if they actually work will be the key... If so, I think they would each make a 58" bow...  If not, I guess I'll have a 60" and a 56"...  I guess I'll find out when the new one gets here...

No worries on my end!    ;)  

And Casey, I just put a "Want to Buy" add in the classifieds and got a hit... only took about 2 weeks...  Now I have or will have a nice pair of Kwyk Styks...  Either 60" and 56" or two at 58"...  Couldn't be happier either way!
"Bowhunting isn't a hobby or a sport... It's a way of life!"

Quote: "Everything you read on the internet is the truth." -Abraham Lincoln
>>>-TGMM Family of the Bow--->

Offline GRINCH

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All I can say is go buy a lottery ticket,two bows unreal.
TGMM Family of The Bow,
USN 1973-1995

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