As you know, we've talked about them in the past. But now that I've seen them in person all I can say is WOW!!! If I could work all by bows into shooting these (none of them are less then 60#) I would... May take a bit of tinkering with arrow but so far I'm impressed. I've got my name on a dozen of the 1 1/4", 250 grainers and that may be where the new to me Kwyk Styk ends up but that Widow I just purchased is right where these heads will shine.
Anyone that shoots the 160 Snuffer, this is an upgrade! Everyone I've put on an arrow spins perfectly true and it is as solid of a head as I've seen. Wide, easily sharpened, and can take some punishment. What more can you ask for???
And Jim, when I get payment for some other heads I recently sold I'll be giving you a shout for some more of these.