That's the great part of Tradgang. Lots of good ideas and people who are willing to share them.
I agree with most of what has been said. Steelhead has hit on something that I was looking at. the idea of using a bow quiver to absorb some of that vibration. I'll share what I've seen so far. Maybe latter today I'll take some photos to share.
Late Tuesday night, one of the guys wanted to shoot a bow that looks great, but has a ton of hand shock. After he had shot the bow several times we talked about what causes, and what could be done to alleviate the problem of hand shcck. One of us, and I'm not sure which suggested a bow quiver. It seemed very logical. The quiver would add mass to the riser, and with the rubber cushioning of the limb wrap, it should act as a dampening mechanizm. I grabbed the closest quiver at hand and strapped it hurriedly to the misbehaving bow. Rob shot the bow then and was surprised at how much shock was removed. It was also quieter then before the quiver was added.
I was having acute back pain and it waa about 10:00 pm, so I haven't shot the bow since the quiver was added. I can't wait till this lower back pain subsides so that I can repeat this for myself. Has anyone other than Steelhead experienced this with a bow quiver, and are there other ideas that may help?