Originally posted by Bird Dog: Stan, I'm up for trying the 150s when they're available. Keep us posted.
Originally posted by bubinga: Stan, when are those 100gr. going to be available? I like the looks of them and would be intersted in using them on my trip to Africa this summer.
Originally posted by StanM: If you are into trying new heads I invite you to try these before next season. They are currently in the works and will be available soon.images no wider than 640, please http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/missstanna/Phoenix%20Broadhead/2_Blade_Single_Bevel_Concept_Rear_Chamfer_Thicker_Walls.jpg[/IMG] That being said, I've shot both STOS and Eclipse and have met the fellas at Eclipse and you couldn't go wrong with either.Stan