Thanks everyone! It really is a fun project and Chuck produces a fine blank at a very fair price. He even took some time to answer my questions and help me through a couple parts of the process. What is nice about it is most all the hard parts are done for you, well at least the parts I could screw up on
Originally posted by KentuckyTJ:
Fantastic job Jake. I love the matte finish also what is it?
Tom- the product is made by Deft and is a clear satin poly in a rattle can. I was very impressed with it and it was easy to use. I held the can further away on the last coat to give it a little texture to the finish.
Originally posted by KentuckyTJ:
How long did it take you?
The whole process took only a few weeks but I only worked on it on a few spare evenings and a little on the weekends. It really took shape pretty quick. The bulk of the work was shaping the grip and thumb rest once the overlays were on.
I definately see another blank in my future.