I don't like the politics.
I have enough stress with work, and dealing with the public everyday. Traditional archery is my escape.
I am a life member of our State Bowhunting organization. Spent 10 years on the Board, teaching bowhunter ed. Didn't like where archery was headed and was ruining my enjoyment.
Was going to become a scorer for P&Y, but found myself not agreeing with techies and methods used for the "Book". I now think that the "Book" is bad for archery. Great for the industry, but bad for archery. I was member of P&Y, PBS, ATHA, & Compton's.
Backed away and my enjoyment has never been so high. That was 2003, don't regret it a one bit.
I now do my own thing, have introduced many, many kids to archery. For some it has stuck, some it hasn't. I promote traditional my way.
Finished teaching my son how to make wood arrows today, he made his first bow string. He is in the process of building his first longbow with the tutelage of a friend that is an exceptional bowyer.
Traded a longbow today with a guy so he would have a more appropriate setup. He has shot a Mathews for many years. Maybe I can flip him.
I still get involved with the Game commission when there is an issue that truly matters. Still stop in to the Regional office and visit with the policy makers and biologist who I happen to know.