grouse, why would Rob and Terry want to go to the trouble of making a national organization when none of you would join ?
I read thru some of these posts and feel a bit let down, yet, it wasn't totally unexpected.
Heck, half of the negative responses cite situations that aren't even factual.
The point about joining is two-fold.
One, you get to potentialy gain entry into a group of folks that like to do the same things you do. More friends. More potential experiences, More buddies of the same ilk.
Two, you add your name to a list of folks that are about similar things. That list counts for something. Think it doesn't ?
Eqypt just went thru a huge change. . because of two or three people with a dream and a desire ? No. because hundreds of thousands actually said "enough" !
Libya is under tighter rein, but the folks want some of the same. . freedom. They are getting shot over there with automatic weapons, at least if you can believe the news. Will one or two make a difference ? no, will thousands ? hundreds of thousands ? millions ?
Wisconsin is going thru a situation regarding union collective bargaining. It is in the news.
Without getting into right or wrong, do you think those folks would have had a chance against the new Governer with just a handful voicing up. . the rest just hanging around being comfortable with their position in life ?
There were ten thousand, then twenty five thousand, then forty thousand protesters, with major school districts in Madison and Milwaukee and elsewhere shutting down because of folks actually voicing their concern.
They are forcing dialog because of their numbers, pure and simple.
Like them or hate them, do you actually think we would be owning guns in much of the USA if the NRA was never around ? If you think "yes" I suggest you read the paper some more. Is ownership of guns and the right to assemble and voice our concens of any importance to us now in the 21st century ? See above (Libya, Egypt, China, etc etc etc).
Sometimes Numbers Count