I try but seldom succeed at staying away from Manitoba Stickflinger's posts.
I've never met the man(Ryan) but from watching his videos he has garnered my utmost respect.
If I were ever inclined to try a bear hunt I don't think I would look any further than Manitoba Stickflinger's offerings.
Unfortunately I don't see anything as costly as bear hunts on my radar.
It's part of the price I pay for being a "Bowaholic" and also having very limited resources.
Having said that I am so very grateful for everything I have and by the world's standards am a very rich man.
The bank and I own my home, I drive a relatively new truck, I sleep in a warm dry bed every night(if I chose to), I have more than ample food to eat.
There are literally millions of people in the world that can't make even one of those claims.
My prayer is to be a blessing for any and all that who I can.
Sorry, I got caught up in a train of consciousness.
God bless,Mudd