Of course, you shouldn’t carry them if they are illegal. It is also unethical and violates fair chase rules to use them in a stalk or to any other hunting advantage. But, I do believe there are situations where it is ok and maybe even advisable to carry a radio in your pack. Checking in from spike camp or an unexpected bivuac, at a predetermined time……that doesn’t violate any ethical principle that I have. Might actually prevent a death from exposure, or medical emergency.
I see it like a few other things: we like to say “guns don’t kill people, people kill people!” Well, radios, in and of themselves, don’t violate laws or ethical codes of conduct - it depends on how the carrier uses them.
That said, it is true that they often don’t work as well as claimed- even driving down the highway , but especially in rough country. I have to have a pretty good reason to justify additional weight in my pack and a radio isn’t usually high on the list.