I hunted a stand we hung mid-day under a live oak that was dropping acorns. The rooting around the tree was amazing. I did see six deer and about 25 turkeys but no hogs before dark.
Bill tried some more spot and stalk and saw a sow with shoats but no opportunities.
After the evening hunt, we drove an hour to a friend's lease to spend the next two days hunting.
Bill slept in my van "system", which is probably the most disorganized collection of archery, camping, art, and fly-fishing gear ever assembled.
At least he didn't have to hear me snore!
My buddy and I slept in the "snore trailer".
In the morning I hunted a familiar stand and Bill hunted another about 150 yards away.
Just after sun up, I had a group of hogs come in down wind of my stand. The sow leading the group caught my scent(which was probably a conglomeration of coffee, stale socks, and Bud light)She bolted and took the group with her right towards Bill's set-up.
A few minutes later I heard some major squealing over there. After meeting Bill, he related shooting a sow that he had already blood trailed for a distance.
We headed over and started on the sparse blood trail. We lost it a couple of times, found it and then lost it again. Bill somehow followed it 100 yards across a grassy field to where it crossed a fence and then a canal.
Always up for adventure, I used my longbow "Barta style" feeling my way across the dirty canal which turned out to be 2-3' deep.
Bill followed and picked up a little blood and tracks on the other side a ways down a gravel road(this guy can really track!).
The track entered some mature woods and we lost it...... almost.