The deal with hunting shows; its all about marketing, who can bring in the most ones and horned ones...In a big company you have to wonder how many of the ceo's worry about "sport" versus quarterly figures.
Blame also has to be placed with today's average hunter, He/she wants to get in, get the deer, then go back to the life attached to the laptops and crackberrys..advertisements target this (back to the bucks) and if joe blow sees 10 people in a weekend harvesting 130 class deer or bigger he is more likely to purchase the product. Joe doesn't realize what it takes to manage quality habitat, genetics, forage crops, hunting pressure etc..
In my opinion the worst celebrity is Michael Waddel. (sp?) To me he is the portrait of today's teenagers and college kids..He goes out brings his handheld playstation/nintendo thingamajiggy and doesn't pay attention to anything til he is alerted by his camera crew there is this monster buck walking through the fenced area,...
nevermind getting aquainted with the environment, learning the terrain, patterning animals